Lightening the Toxic Load
In my last post, I mentioned chemicals being found in breast milk with origins in the cosmetic industry. Who doesn’t desire soft, beautiful skin which includes a radiant complexion? What can be done aside from the commercial cosmetic industry to obtain these desired affects?
The importance of reading labels expands beyond what goes in your mouth as food stuffs. When lightening the toxic load, the wisdom of reading labels and knowing what you are consuming expands to anything coming in contact with your body.
Many chemicals are used in the cosmetic industry, yet there are many home remedies which can be used on the skin which are safe enough to be used as food stuffs. If the label includes any phrases such as “for external use only”, you might want to reconsider applying it on your body, especially if you are going to be where warmth causes your pores to open and literally widen the access points allowing your body to drink in whatever was applied. If the label contains words unfamiliar to you or that you can’t pronounce, you probably don’t want those ingredients in your body. If you doubt the effectiveness of the skin absorption issue, look no further than medicine and the variety of skin patches to dispense medications.
Once again, nature provides us with some amazing natural skin products pure enough to either apply topically or ingest orally. Cocoa butter, Shea butter, and coconut oil are three that readily come to mind. All of these wonderful products can be purchased individually and either used individually or gently melted, and mixed together to form lovely skin softening creams pure enough to eat with a spoon.
If fragrances are desired, pure essential oils are a healthier choice than synthetic chemicals. Once again, it’s hard to beat Mother Nature.