How did we become a nation of obese individuals? One spoonful at a time. Like advancing age creeping up on us one day at a time, we put on excess pounds one bite at a time. As long as we can see other people around us who are heavier than ourselves, they are the obese ones and we are the one who are just putting on a few extra pounds. Not true. They may just be the ones who are more obese than you.
Is obesity a problem? Yes, it is tied to serious health complications like diabetes and heart disease. Is obesity a lack of will power or personal self-control? No! It’s the new look of starvation because consumption of processed foods are so lacking in proper nutritional content the body craves more because it is looking for a sufficient quantity of nutrition. In Africa where we associate the wasting away affect of starvation, we see nutritional and caloric deficiency. In America, we see the nutritional deficiency coupled with excessive caloric intake.
The very best solution is to make your food account for something nutritionally. The best food choices nutritionally come from whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables. Nature nurtures, so when we choose foods as close to what nature provides, it will be much more nutritious. Being close to nature isn’t just choosing whole foods that are unprocessed, it also includes natural farming practices. Lighten the toxic chemical load by getting back to our roots of letting nature nurture.